follow actions

Follow actions on clips are a super powerful way to control or automate the flow of your playing clips and scenes.

You might have to click the little arrow/triangle next to the word "Clip" to see the follow options.

Click the Follow Action button so it's activated and orange.
The modes are mostly fairly self explanatory. It's worth noting that in Ableton 11 you can have two follow actions that can be chosen at random with a % slider. Pret-ty cool!

The ones that might need explanation or expanding - 
"Jump" lets you specify a scene number to go to - eg 1-6 as shown
"Any" and "Other" are similar but Other will try to pick a clip different to itself, as long as it isn't "alone". See clips 5 & 6 above - they are isolated from clips 1,2 & 3, by having an empty space at scene 4. So if they are both set to "other", they will only choose between themselves (5 & 6).


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