The two views, brief description

 Session View

This is similar to Coldcut's Jamm Pro app. You have a bunch of different clips per track. Each track might be a MIDI or audio one. You can trigger them individually, but only one clip can be playing per track. The triggering can be quantised to your preference. Eg. 1 bar will start the clip you just triggered on the next bar. 1/16 will be on the next 1/16 beat (so almost instantly). See below for a screenshot.
You can record the triggering of clips into the Arrangement view.


Arrangement View

This is much closer to what I was used to, in the sense that you have a timeline and the tracks go from left -to -right, start-to-end. You can drag stuff around, split clips and "consolidate" them if you wish to edit the midi info, without having the changes show up in other instances of the midi clip. Ableton stores the info all as midi, so you're not actually dealing with say, 3 mins of solid audio.

Quantising for clip triggering-


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