
controlling pattern changes with Octatrack, to Digitakt

To get Digitakt to receive Pattern change from the Octatrack, make sure your auto-channel value is set to the same number on both devices. Leave the auto stuff on "auto", it seems to work as you'd expect with that on. Haven't managed to get it to work using the standard midi-message sends yet though... Digitakt seems more ready "out of the box" to send pattern changes as the boss.

slowing down clips/tape/sounds, like the OP1

Use case example, on the OP-1, you record something at 64bpm. But you then change the tape speed to playback a bit slower, say 50bpm. You like this feel, you even want the pitch shift. In Ableton, set the project bpm to 50. Import your stem/clips whatever you want to call them. In the track parameters, enable "warp" and set the bpm to the original tempo - in our case 64. Set the warp type to repitch & ta-da you have a similar effect. The reverse should apply for speeding up!

envelope follow

 Envelope follower is a Max 4 Live device. It takes an incoming signal, which can then be remapped onto another parameter. A nice way to use it, is to have two chains - one with NO effects, just a clean chain and the other should be the Envelope Follower grouped with a compressor (in front of it) and use the sidechain function to route the signal to a parameter on the same track. The Envelope follower group can be muted, so we just hear the result of the now automated "clean" chain.

The modes of Cmajor

not really about Ableton, but this guy explains modes quite nicely  Play the white keys from X to X as a scale- starting at C - IONIAN -standard major starting at D - DORIAN - funk/jazz starting at E - PHRYGIAN - flamenco-y, adagio in g, middle eastern/jewish starting at F- LYDIAN - otherworldly/dreamy starting at G- MIXOLYDIAN - blues/rock - end of hey jude (nahhhh nahh), sweet home alabama! starting at A - AEOLIAN (OR NATURAL A MINOR) - standard minor - sad starting at B - LOCRIAN - dark/strange, unstable not used often


 another non-Ableton post, but it's the close enough.. get the paths of all the songs, by highlighting them in Windows Explorer, hold left-shift and right click should give you a "copy path" option. Paste this into a text editor and then put all of the paths in one line, with a space between them. Basically go to the start of each line of the pasted text, hit backspace once and then space once (it will make sense). Select all of that once done and copy it. Next launch Anaconda, type demucs  paste your stuff and then  -d cuda hit enter It will tell you where the splits are going..

opz synth export samples

 not really about ableton, but opz synth sample exporting is shit, so here's how you do it I've been fine exporting at C3... but do what you need to. Sample must be mono, 16bit and 6 seconds long. AIFF format. Fill it with silence if need be, otherwise you get sample bleed from other stuff. Seems easier to do the exporting from something like Audacity? So far that's worked best This youtube vid is very useful. He mentions an online tool, but the original author seems to have moved on from the OP-Z, and isn't maintaining it anymore - so it might not exist when you read this...